Thursday, November 21


Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders Genesis is a game developed by Airship Syndicate. As a prequel to the main Darksiders series, it unfolds years before the events of Darksiders, Darksiders II, and Darksiders III. Serving as a spin-off to the main series, Darksiders Genesis stands as the fourth installment in the Darksiders franchise. One of the distinctive features of Darksiders Genesis is its dual protagonist approach. Unlike the main series, this game showcases two Horsemen as protagonists: Strife and War. Players have the exciting opportunity to control and experience the adventure from the perspective of both these powerful characters, each bringing their unique abilities and skills to the gameplay. This cooperative gameplay dynamic adds a fresh twist to the Darksiders universe and delivers an engaging an...
Darksiders III

Darksiders III

Darksiders III, an enthralling Action role-playing game, is a creation of THQ Nordic, powered by the Unreal Engine. The game's announcement came on May 3, 2017, by THQ Nordic, and it was skillfully developed by Gunfire Games. After much anticipation, Darksiders III was officially released on November 27, 2018, marking the third installment in the Darksiders series and serving as a parallel sequel to Darksiders II. The game's gripping storyline follows Fury, one of the Four Horsemen, on a quest set in a post-apocalyptic Earth. Her mission is to confront and vanquish the Seven Deadly Sins, adding a fascinating layer of depth to the narrative. Throughout her perilous journey, Fury encounters various intriguing characters, including the enigmatic Ulthane. The dynamic interactions and all...
Darksiders II

Darksiders II

               Death Lives.  the slogan for Darksiders II   Darksiders II stands as the second captivating installment in the renowned Darksiders series, skillfully crafted by Vigil Games. Published by THQ, this action-packed game made its debut on August 14th, 2012, captivating audiences across North America. Serving as a parallel sequel to its predecessor, Darksiders II takes players on an enthralling journey through an epic and darkly imaginative world. Plot Awakened by the cataclysmic End of Days, Death, the dreaded and formidable member of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks on a momentous quest. His purpose is twofold: to bring about the restoration of mankind and to redeem the tarnished name of his brother, War, who has been wrongly accused. Throughout his ...
Anime, Entertainment, Gaming


Pokémon, an expansive media franchise, encompasses a wide array of media such as video games, television series, films, trading cards, and a plethora of merchandise. Within this franchise exists a shared universe where humans coexist harmoniously with extraordinary creatures known as Pokémon. These Pokémon come in various species, each possessing unique powers and abilities. The world of Pokémon revolves around three primary objectives. Firstly, it centers on the thrilling quest of traveling and exploring new, uncharted territories. Secondly, it involves the exciting task of discovering and capturing a specimen of every Pokémon species found in this fantastical world. Lastly, trainers aspire to build and train a select team of Pokémon from their captures, engaging in epic battles with o...


Darksiders, created by Vigil Games and published by THQ, is an action-packed hack and slash video game, encompassing elements of adventure. Drawing inspiration from the biblical Book of Revelation's apocalypse and the epic battle of armageddon, players assume the persona of "War," among the four formidable horsemen of the apocalypse. Darksiders made its initial debut on January 5, 2010, captivating audiences across North America and numerous other countries. Shortly after, on January 7, the game's excitement reached Australia and New Zealand. The following day, January 8, Darksiders became available in the UK and continental Europe. In Japan, it was released under the title "Darksiders: Shinpan no Toki" on a separate date Plot Tricked by the malevolent forces of evil, War, the estee...
Pokémon Unite

Pokémon Unite

Pokémon Unite, stylized as Pokémon UNITE, is a captivating free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by The Pokémon Company for Android and iOS platforms. Nintendo is responsible for its release on the Nintendo Switch. The game was unveiled during a Pokémon Presents presentation on 24th June 2020. Subsequently, Pokémon Unite was launched for the Nintendo Switch on 21st July 2021, and on 22nd September 2021, it became available for Android and iOS in 73 countries. The game has garnered immense popularity, amassing over 80 million downloads across all platforms as of August 2022. With its engaging gameplay and the allure of playing alongside beloved Pokémon, Pokémon Unite has become a massive hit among fans and players worl...