Monday, March 10
Why Ive already put up my Christmas tree and you

Why I’ve already put up my Christmas tree (and you should too)

Why Ive already put up my Christmas tree and you

I don’t know why it took me so long to realise that doing it all in November was a lot more fun, partly because you’re not supposed to – which says a lot about my personality – but also because the last-minute Christmas rush-around for presents is never as festive as we tell ourselves it’ll be. Last year, having travelled a lot for work in the months leading up to it and finally settling back home a week before the big day, it seemed pointless to get a tree, so I didn’t. My flat looked like it did any other month of the year, and I thought that would be liberating, to shun silly commercialism and refuse Christmas expense completely, but it wasn’t. It was just kind of sad. Instead of going back to my parents’ house in Bath, it being up in the air as to whether my brother and his new wife would be there that year for the first time and I would be the only single one, yet again (plus I was travelled-out anyway and didn’t fancy a rammed flight of Christmas cheer), I decided to stay where I was. Then I realised the Grinch-aspect of not even having a tree to look at on Christmas morning was too much and so accepted an invite to a sometime-friend-with-benefits mum’s house for Christmas lunch. That was actually very fun, but weird – especially now her son and I are not in contact and she essentially hosted a complete stranger on Christmas day.

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