Monday, March 10

UPSC Announces Results for Civil Services Preliminary Exam

On May 28, the 2023 civil services preliminary examination took place, and the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has now published the list of successful candidates on its website. As per the list, a total of 14,624 candidates have qualified the preliminary exam.

However, the UPSC has clarified that the candidature of these individuals is provisional. In accordance with the examination rules, all successful candidates must reapply by submitting the Detailed Application Form-I (DAF-I) for the civil services (main) examination in 2023. The commission will announce the dates and important instructions for filling out the DAF-I and its submission in due course on their website.

The UPSC has also informed the candidates that the marks, cut-off marks, and answer keys for the CS (P) examination in 2023 will be uploaded on the commission’s website ( only after the entire process of the civil services examination concludes, which includes the declaration of the final result.

To provide convenience and assistance to candidates, the UPSC has established a facilitation counter at Dholpur House on Shahjahan Road, near the examination hall building. This counter serves as a dedicated point for candidates to seek information or clarification regarding their results.

Candidates have the option to visit the counter in person during working hours, which are from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days. Alternatively, they can also seek assistance by calling the telephone numbers 011-23385271, 011-23098543, or 011-23381125, which are specifically assigned to the counter.