Which is perhaps just as well. With one or two excursions a day to some of the most iconic sites in the land, it’s not as if you’re bereft of Egyptian-ness. On the contrary. The intensity of the exposure to such an abundance of history is overwhelming. Our itinerary took in Philae, Edfu, Kom Ombu, the Valley of the Kings, Luxor and Karnak. All that in four days. People spend lifetimes studying these places. Having a guide, of course, helped greatly. And this is another stroke of genius on the part of Oberoi – guides are allocated per party, not per group, let alone per boat. So if you’re travelling as a couple or as a family, you and your partner or you and your kids will have, for the duration of your trip, the undivided attention of an expert who’ll quickly become more like an old friend than a guide – albeit an uncommonly well-informed, patient and helpful old friend.