Friday, March 14
Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025 Heres what you should not do

Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025: Here`s what you should not do before running

Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025 Heres what you should not do

The Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025 is all set to take place this Sunday on January 18. While marathon runners are very excited for the event, the chances of having difficulties due to exhaustion or getting sick can never be ruled out. 

While everybody has been doing everything right till now and following everything that they should do, Dr Aashish Contractor, director, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, reminds you about what you shouldn`t do to not only stay health but also safe.

Follow these tips:

Don’t run if you’re not adequately prepared 
You usually register for a race, several months before and sometimes are not able to train adequately. The temptation is to still show up on race day, and ‘see how it goes’; this is a dangerous thing to do. If you haven’t gone through the required training runs, then you should not be out there on race day- you are a danger to yourself and the race.

Don’t run if you are unwell on the morning of the race
This one is even harder to follow: even if you have trained adequately, but catch a flu or some other illness a few days before race day and it’s not completely clear, DO NOT RUN. As a runner, it’s very difficult to ‘sit it out’, but do remember that the marathon, takes a physiological toll on your body, and doing it when you are already ill, is a recipe for trouble. 

Don’t try anything new on race day
Make sure you have planned your pre-race nutrition, as well as what you will eat and drink on the morning of the run, and on the run. A simple rule of thumb is not to try anything new. This is often challenging for those coming from out of town.

Stop running if you notice any of the following:
1. Chest discomfort or increasing fatigue
2. Indigestion, heartburn or gastrointestinal symptoms
3. Excessive breathlessness

If you feel discomfort in the chest region, or anywhere from navel to nose, and you find it increases as you are running, you need to stop running, and see how you feel. If the discomfort subsides, you can try running a few steps and see how it feels. If it comes back on again, you need to stop running and seek medical help immediately.

Often indigestion, heartburn or other gastric symptoms mimic the signs above, but when in doubt, please assume it is cardiac and seek medical attention.

Excessive breathlessness: While running a marathon, it is natural to be short of breath at some point during the race. However, as a runner you know what is ‘normal’ shortness of breath and what is unusual for you. Just like angina, this shortness of breath, could be a warning sign that there is something wrong, and you need to seek medical attention. 

Other aches and pains:
During the race, it’s quite normal to have some aches and pains, like cramps, or knee or foot pain. Most of these are relieved by slowing down or walking for a short distance and stretching or applying ice to the affected part. These pains are not life threatening, but you should seek medical attention at the first opportunity available. The decision to carry on and finish, is then an individual one- on the one hand you have worked hard for this and would not want to abandon it and at the same time you do not want to push through an injury such that it aggravates and takes much longer to heal.

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