Day 7: Change your life
I missed my class again today, but I’m hoping to see better days. I did my meditation then. Now, the first chapter of,’JANE EYRE’: Jane takes us through the abuse she endured as a child. She was abused by her Aunt’s son. Beth seemed like the good one, but one’s gotta do her job. They take Jane to a separate room after Jane talks back to that Aunt’s son.
Today was such a tedious day at the gym. I burned, like, more than 350 calories. It won’t be a big deal for you but it is one for me. My trainer was mad at me for taking up so much time, but in my defense, I’d rather take my time than break a few bones or sprain my muscles; I’m a human(Christina Perri’s note) after all. It was a near-death experience. That’s exaggerating, but still. I guess I could slightly feel what famine and drought w...