Actor Rani Mukerji recalled that when her debut Bollywood film Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat was released in 1996, her father Ram Mukherjee had heart surgery. In an interview with news agency ANI, Rani said he went to the theatre to watch the film and later wept ‘like a child in happiness’. Rani also revealed that she wanted to be an interior designer had she not been an actor. (Also Read | Rani Mukerji on 25 years of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai: Was concerned if anyone would accept SRK loving anyone except Kajol)
Rani Mukerji wanted to be an interior designer
Rani told ANI, “Today when I look back, I’m not sure if I had not been an actor, what I would have been. I did have certain other professions in mind that I wanted to chase, like being an interior designer but I don’t think I would have gotten this kind of love that I have gotten for the last 27 years from people around the world, who are my fans, who obviously have admired my work and given me so much of strength and courage through the years. I have organically made a family, beyond my own family, which I think is very precious to me.”
Rani Mukerji talks about her dad
Rani also said, “18th October 1996, when Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat released, my family and I were going through a lot then. It also takes me back to the fact that my father was having a very important heart surgery at that time and I remember him going to the theatre to watch my first film in Gaiety Galaxy. On his way back he got discharged! I remember him weeping like a child in happiness after seeing the love I received from the audience when they clapped and whistled at my dialogues.”
About Rani’s last film
Rani was last seen in Mrs Chatterjee VS Norway, directed by Ashima Chibber. The film talks about the life of an immigrant mother who fights against all odds to win back the custody of her children. Neena Gupta, Jim Sarbh and Anirban Bhattacharya played pivotal roles in the film.
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