Monday, February 3
Little Evil 2017 Feature

Netflix Outrageous Supernatural Horror Comedy Brings The Devil To The Suburbs

little evil

Little Evil is a brilliant and hilarious riff on the hit 1976 horror film The Omen, leaving no stone unturned when it comes to making subtle homages to the film in the form of story lines, character sketches, and numerous other little references any fan of the classic movie would be sure to catch. For example, the character played by Sally Field, Miss Shaylock, is a spoof of Mrs. Baylock (played by Billie Whitelaw), the protective cult member/nanny from The Omen.

Of course, little Lucas is a funnier, more precocious version of the malevolent Damien from The Omen. But Lucas is only “a little evil,” according to his new stepfather, unlike the David Seltzer toddler that was truly the devil incarnate.

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