Monday, March 10
day 6

Day 6: Change your life

I woke up late and missed my class. But I was, sure as hell, not gonna let that be the starter of a domino effect of ruining my whole day’s tasks. I then meditated.


Day 5: Change your life


Today, the book, THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG’ finally ended. In the 4th rule, Author David Schwartz talks about a valuable habit of leaders: taking the time to be alone with your thoughts. And I utterly agree on this one, because that’s when I made my best decisions. For instance, the idea of creating a blogging site popped into my head whilst such a lapse of solitude; and it worked out pretty well for me. He gave some practical examples that he conducted with his people.

Then I went to the gym. Today was my leg workout training, full of squats, lunges, lunges with weights, and weight-lifting. I drank my protein; I think that drinking protein daily for all these days is paying off, for not once did my muscles pain in all these days. Then I ate my salad, had breakfast. Worked a bit, ate my biscuits, drank green tea, ate my salad, and then dinner.

Now, I did a lot of research but couldn’t access some features of sumome; probably because I’d been reading outdated material. Can anyone explain me?

From tomorrow, I’ll be reading, ‘JANE EYRE’  by Charlotte Bronte. Now, I know it’s not a motivational book, but I want to read it badly. And I promise it’ll be worth it.