Monday, March 10
change life

Day 1: Change your life

I am a 17 years old with clinical depression for the last 3 years. I’ve been on medication for quite a few months now feeling better but now I want to start a segment with the readers wherein we change our lives together, where we live our ideal day and strive to achieve our goals. I’ll be implementing a few methods that professional psychiatrists and life advisors suggest. Steps to be inculcated:
1. The sleep cycle. 
I workout at the gym and am advised 8 hours of sleep. So I plan to sleep at 10:30 PM and wake up at 6:30 AM. But if you wanna try waking up earlier, do it. You may want to sleep in between 10-10:35 PM and wake up in between 4:00 to 5:30 AM. The Ayurveda advises waking up in that interval of time because it is dominated by Vata, which governs body movement, flexibility, mental activities, etc. But do not reach for your phone as soon as you wake up unless it’s for checking time. 
2. The mindfulness journey
Mediating first thing in the morning is highly advised. It is said that when you do it first thing in the day you tend to be more mindful throughout the day. Now I’m not going to stress upon the importance of mindfulness but I may write a blog on that if you insist. I’m not a beginner at meditation. I’ll write about my meditation journey in another blog. I meditate for 30 mins twice a day. If you are a complete beginner I advise you a 10 mins or 5 mins or even 1 min meditation. The important thing here is
A. Regularity: show up daily no matter what. 
B. Trials and Errors: if you get lost in your thoughts, kindly come back without judging. 
Watch this video for more information:
 After this, freshen up. 
3. Positive vibes
I advise reading some nice motivational literature. You’ll find a list of books here:
And you’ll find many other such lists. I have:
A. The Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz
B. Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill
C. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho 
D. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr Joseph Murphy
E. Attitude is Everything, Jeff Keller 
F. The Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh
G. Master Your Mind, Dr Neel Burton 
(Not sure if this one counts)
I’ll be reading 1 chapter each morning while you can start with a page or even a paragraph, but regularity and full attention is necessary. You may not understand it the first time, but you just can’t give up. You must read again and again, of course not on the same day; you’ll repeat reading those books. 
4. Study/Work
This is the time where you study or work. If this is your workout or gym time do so. Students like me will attend their online lectures. 
5. Gym 
I eat an apple before hitting gym. My gym trainer advises me to do strength training three days a week and cardio the rest of the days. I go on a cycle for the primary purpose of saving petrol money. And the others too like saving earth. I only use vehicle for emergencies I guess. After gym, I drink my protein shake then eat a salad and have breakfast after 30 minutes. You can follow your instructor and please do not try anything on your own. 
And then I have a bath. 
6. Break
Watch you favourite show or movie. Realx for a bit not more than 45 mins. 
7. Work/Study and have lunch
8. Supper 
Have a fruit. Then I drink green tea.
9. Quality Time
Play a sport or talk with your family and friends or read books, write blogs, whatever relaxes you. Grow some love and compassion. 
10. Dinner
A salad again before dinner and finally dinner before 7.30. 
11. Work/Study
Work and study again. I’m learning programming from the free MIT beginner’s lectures. 
12. Routine
Brush your teeth again, wash your face, do your night routine- a journal, poem, skincare routine or whatever. 
13. Meditation
Meditate again before you sleep. Choose your time according to your comfort but remember regularity and trials. And have your beauty sleep. 
Now I must clarify that I’ve not completely started this routine but you and I will make it happen. We’ll live our desired life. This will hopefully help us achieve it. 
Many of these steps you’ll find in those popular books. Clearly, the goal is to build a healthy lifestyle. Healthy both physically and mentally. You may also want to add devotion there. Visit the temple or mosque or church or take your elders’ blessings. Say some prayers. Anything spiritual helps. 
Now the things that I plan on and suggest you to discard are:
1. Social media
Not more than t minutes on any social media, be it Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, even Quora. We do not plan on being intimidated by fake and unproductive ideas. So quit all of it. Done even binge watch YouTube videos. Just the ones that are productive. 
2. Junk food
Here in India, junk food is more expensive than healthy food. Of course I’ll choose the better and affordable. But primarily my gym trainer has strictly prohibited me from eating anything junk. And I also say this mantra to my body that I respect it. So am gonna do that. 
3. Staying awake late at night
As much as I love being a vampire, I’m not one. Night is to sleep so quit late night gaming on ‘Among Us’. 
4. Wasting time.
Avoid wasting time as much as you can. The max limit should be 30 minutes. No more than that. 
And that’s all I want to say. Thank you, hope you join me too. 
NOTE: I am not a certified trainer or coach, you may choose to consult an expert.