Monday, February 3


Dogs Really Do Look Like their Owners, Here’s Why

Dogs Really Do Look Like their Owners, Here’s Why

There are many ways in which a dog might look like its owner. A tall man might have a very tall dog, like a Great Dane. A short and stocky man might have a short and stocky pit bull or maybe a French bulldog. A blonde woman with long, flowing locks might have a yellow lab or maybe a collie with similarly long, flowing blonde hair. Given the nearly universal love of dogs in most societies around the globe, it’s only natural that some study has been devoted to the matter of how a dog might resemble its owner and why. It’s not a universal occurrence and instead happens often in developed societies where a dog owner might have more options when adopting a pet. The owner also might have a greater ability to get a dog that looks or could like that person. Source link
The Acolyte Creates A Major Prequel Plot Hole For Anakin Skywalker

The Acolyte Creates A Major Prequel Plot Hole For Anakin Skywalker

That last point is particularly important because emotion-blocking metal would seemingly help prevent access to the Force, yet Qimir is the only one who ever had the sense to build a Magneto-style helmet to hide from other Force users. We don’t know what metal he used nor what makes it significant. At a glance, though, it’s something far more sophisticated than what goes into saber hilts. As usual, the technology of Star Wars makes no sense once you stop and think about it for more than two seconds. Since we generally liked how The Acolyte’s first season ended, we’re going to do what all fans should on this hot summer day: stop complaining about The Acolyte lightsaber colors and pretend the next Rocket Pop popsicle we eat is a laser sword bleeding from one color to the next. Source li...
The Truth Behind Battlestar Galactica’s Most Shocking Character Decision

The Truth Behind Battlestar Galactica’s Most Shocking Character Decision

Elaborating on his point, Moore discussed how Battlestar Galactica characters make other poor decisions than smoking, just like those who are watching the show. “We drink, we have sex with the wrong partners—we make lots of bad choices, and some of them we do knowingly and in full cognizance of the risks and consequences.” This is something illustrated throughout the series, like when Starbuck has spontaneous intercourse with Gaius Baltar or simply punches a superior officer like Tigh when she is drunk and angry. Finishing his thoughts on the matter, the Battlestar Galactica showrunner said “Dr. Cottle obviously knows the risks associated with smoking and he elects to do it anyway — that’s his choice.” Of course, one of the things that Moore’s point seemingly overlooks is that Cottle isn’t...
Sci-Fi Horror With 80s Star Deserves A Second Chance, Stream Without Netflix

Sci-Fi Horror With 80s Star Deserves A Second Chance, Stream Without Netflix

Slater, who first rose to fame in the 1988 dark comedy Heathers, gives a solid performance in the nearly forgotten 2013 film. Unfortunately, the 80s/90s film star wasn’t enough to save this movie from being panned by critics, overlooked by audiences, and from being cast off to teeter on the brink of total obscurity. Critics both in 2013 and today remark that Stranded bore an eerie similarity to Ridley Scott’s Alien, which is probably no coincidence. Roger Christian, who both directed and co-wrote Stranded, brought a great amount of experience to the table when it comes to science fiction films. Prior to being at the helm of this movie flop, Christian worked as a set and art director for Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope (1977) and Alien (1979), earning an Academy Award nomination for both e...
The Early X-Files Episode That Sealed Beloved Character’s Fate

The Early X-Files Episode That Sealed Beloved Character’s Fate

The “later” he is referring to is most likely the first season X-Files finale, one in which Deep Throat risked his life to save Mulder and was subsequently killed. Therefore, “Fallen Angel” seals this character’s fate by more definitively making him a good guy, one who is inevitably on a collision course with the evil government conspirators that eventually kill him. Sadly, the murder of Deep Throat sets up a kind of running theme where many allies who try to help Mulder out (including everyone from Max Fenig to Deep Throat’s replacement, X) are eventually killed. Source link
Most Expensive TV Show Of The 70s Accurately Predicted The Future Before We Messed It Up, Stream Without Netflix

Most Expensive TV Show Of The 70s Accurately Predicted The Future Before We Messed It Up, Stream Without Netflix

This week my obsession with the way we used to see the future takes me to Earth's moon. By Joshua Tyler | Published 10 seconds ago One of the most interesting things about old science fiction is what it reveals about the way people of its time viewed the future. In 1975 people had a very different and more optimistic view of the future than the one we have now. That optimism was best expressed in the now all but forgotten television series Space: 1999. Six years after Apollo 11’s historic 1969 landing on the moon it seemed as though man was taking the first step to something bigger and grander. The other science fiction being produced around that period, with shows like Logan’s Run and UFO, had a wilder approach to what was coming.  By comparison Gerry Anderson’s British produced tel...
How Star Trek Learned From Its Worst Effect

How Star Trek Learned From Its Worst Effect

Star Trek is a franchise that has been aging up its actors since The Original Series episode “The Deadly Years,” and the practice certainly didn’t stop with “Unnatural Selection.” For example, Deep Space Nine aged up Dr. Bashir on multiple occasions, like when he was hit by a telepathic attack in “Distant Voices,” or when we saw an alternative future version of him in “The Visitor.” Of course, Bashir actor Alexander Siddig is amusing proof that no matter the quality of the old-age makeup, these designers can’t predict just how sexy these Star Trek actors will stay as they age (Google him now, thank us later).  Source link
Brendan Fraser Is President In Upcoming War Drama About One Of The Most Historic Invasions

Brendan Fraser Is President In Upcoming War Drama About One Of The Most Historic Invasions

Brendan Fraser bigger than ever Brendan Fraser stars in the movie, which focuses on the many challenges of the invasion of Normandy. Andrew Scott has also been revealed for the cast, with Scott set to portray Chief Meteorological Officer James Stagg. In real life, Stagg was monitoring the weather conditions that informed Eisenhower of what the troops would be facing when they arrived in Normandy. Filming has not started yet but is set to begin come September with Anthony Maras directing as well as contributing to the screenplay. David Haig, who wrote the play that the movie will be based on, is also a collaborator on the screenplay. The remainder of the cast still has to be revealed but kicking things off with Brendan Fraser has already got fan interest. Source link