Monday, September 16


Most Americans Are Quitting Smoking—Except For Those Over 65

Most Americans Are Quitting Smoking—Except For Those Over 65

An endless supply of trendy takes in recent years claim that among young adults, smoking is cool again. But though they may be hanging from the lips of major influencers and starlets, cigarettes have far more fans in an older demographic, according to new data on adult smoking behaviors in the United States. From 2011 to 2022, the prevalence of smoking habits decreased in every age bracket except one: the 65-and-up crowd. Public health campaigns and programs outlining the dangers of smoking aren’t really aimed at older adults, says Rafael Meza, an integrative oncologist at the BC Cancer Research Institute in Vancouver and the lead author of a new study on adult smoking. “In the U.S., smoking really has a generational pattern,” he says. Meza’s new analysis, published Dec. 1 in JAMA Health F...
Identifying ADHD in Athletes: 5 Indicators and Approaches to Management
Health, Life Style

Identifying ADHD in Athletes: 5 Indicators and Approaches to Management

It's crucial for coaches and team personnel to be mindful of potential signs indicating ADHD. CRITICAL HIGHLIGHTS ADHD rates in athletes are believed to be elevated compared to the general population. A sports psychiatrist is adept at assessing signs and symptoms of ADHD. Diverse treatment avenues, such as medication and therapy, are available for managing ADHD. ADHD in athletes poses unique challenges, with potential prevalence rates exceeding those in the general population. Approximately 5 to 7 percent of children and 2.5 to 5 percent of adults in the United States grapple with ADHD, but suspicions persist that the rates are elevated among athletes. Notably, up to 5 percent of active Major League Baseball players meet clinical criteria for ADHD. Diagnosing ADHD in athl...
More Free COVID-19 Tests Are Available for Holiday Season

More Free COVID-19 Tests Are Available for Holiday Season

November 20, 2023 10:20 AM ESTWASHINGTON — Americans can order more free COVID-19 tests online for home delivery.The U.S. government is offering to send another round of four at-home virus tests ahead of the typical surge in cases during the winter holiday season.Anyone who did not order a batch of four COVID-19 tests in September can secure up to eight of them this time around starting Monday at The U.S. Postal Service will deliver them for free.The government is mailing out the coronavirus tests as the the flu season kicks off and a spike in RSV cases has been reported in some spots around the country. Hospitalizations for COVID-19, which has killed more than 1 million people in the United States, were on the rise this fall but have stayed steady in recent weeks. Immunity...
Are Weight Loss Drugs Coming from Compounding Pharmacies Safe?

Are Weight Loss Drugs Coming from Compounding Pharmacies Safe?

With social media fueling the huge demand for drugs like Ozempic, Rybelsus, Wegovy, and Mounjaro, which are helping people to lose more weight than any previous weight loss medications, it’s no surprise that manufacturers have had trouble keeping up. And the recent approval of Eli Lilly's Zepbound, which is the same drug, Mounjaro, approved already for diabetes, but renamed specifically for weight management, will only add to that demand. Novo Nordisk, which makes Ozempic, Wegovy, and Rybelsus, for example, has intentionally held back the release of new starter doses of Wegovy to ensure that those who have already started on the weight loss drug can continue getting their injections despite the current limited availability and manufacturing schedules.But as with many situations in which su...
How Racism Affects the Mental Health of Black Youth

How Racism Affects the Mental Health of Black Youth

On Sept. 25, 2023, the Biden-Harris administration announced that it will be investing some $200 million in the youth mental health crisis. Since youth mental health was declared a national emergency in 2021, multiple experts, including the U.S. Surgeon General, have cited social media and the COVID-19 pandemic, among other things, as major contributing factors. But what has not been talked about to the same extent, is how anti-Black racism is fueling the youth mental health crisis. Racism has a crucial impact on the mental health of Black youth, and the current mental health system is not equipped to address it. As a child and adolescent psychiatrist, I’ve witnessed the depressive, even suicidal effects of racism on Black youth. The kindergartener who was sad and withdrawn for weeks after...
Drug Makers Manipulate Patents to Keep Insulin Prices High

Drug Makers Manipulate Patents to Keep Insulin Prices High

The financial burden of high insulin costs that patients and insurers face is often blamed on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulatory framework, but a new study suggests pharmaceutical companies have also been using patenting processes to unfairly maintain high costs. In the FDA’s master list of approved medications, devices, and other therapeutics, a document known as the Orange Book, patent ownership of each item governs which companies are allowed to manufacture and sell which therapies. The FDA deals with drug approval, but patents are granted by another agency entirely, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Though there are rules governing which developments by pharmaceutical companies merit inclusion in the FDA’s Orange Book, experts have long said that the book r...
FDA Is Screening Cinnamon Imports for Lead: What to Know

FDA Is Screening Cinnamon Imports for Lead: What to Know

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating cinnamon apple puree and applesauce products amid reports of elevated blood lead levels in at least 34 individuals. Residents in more than 20 states have reported illness after exposure to cinnamon apple products offered by three brands: WanaBana, Weis, and Schnucks. The goods are manufactured in Ecuador and have since been recalled. Recent screens by the FDA and other state partners found lead levels in at least one product nearly 200 times greater than those in FDA guidelines. “FDA’s leading hypothesis is that cinnamon used in these recalled pouches is the likely source of contamination for these products; however, the FDA has not yet been able to collect and test samples of the cinnamon used in the recalled products,” an FDA pres...
How to Say No | TIME

How to Say No | TIME

There’s a common malfunction that occurs when well-intentioned people open their mouths to say no: The word “yes” tumbles out instead.We’ve all been there, says Vanessa Bohns, department chair and professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University. No is a deceptively short, simple word that can trigger several layers of anxiety for the person trying to say it. For starters: What does it reveal about our character? “We worry that we’re essentially communicating that we’re not a helpful person; we’re not a nice, kind person; we’re not a team player,” Bohns says. “We’re too lazy to take something on, or we don’t want to work hard.”At the same time, she adds, we’re likely stressing over how that “no” might offend the other person, and what it conveys about our relationship with them. ...
CRISPR Therapy Gets U.K. Approval, the First in the World

CRISPR Therapy Gets U.K. Approval, the First in the World

Britain's medicines regulator has authorized the world's first gene therapy treatment for sickle cell disease, in a move that could offer relief to thousands of people with the crippling disease in the U.K.In a statement on Thursday, the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency said it approved Casgevy, the first medicine licensed using the gene editing tool CRISPR, which won its makers a Nobel prize in 2020.The agency approved the treatment for patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia who are 12 years old and over. Casgevy is made by Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Europe) Ltd. and CRISPR Therapeutics. To date, bone marrow transplants, extremely arduous procedures that come with very unpleasant side effects, have been the only long-lasting treatment.“The future of life-changing cures r...
How to Handle COVID-19 and Flu During the 2023 Holidays

How to Handle COVID-19 and Flu During the 2023 Holidays

As you make your shopping list, plan travel, and schedule parties this holiday season, there’s something else you should add to your to-do list: making sure you’re up-to-date on the latest guidance around COVID-19, the flu, and RSV, as respiratory disease season hits full swing.“It's always important to factor in the possibility of either transmitting an infection to other people or becoming infected, especially when getting together in large groups,” says Matthew Binnicker, director of clinical virology at the Mayo Clinic. “There are ways to safely gather and enjoy the holiday season,” but it requires taking the right precautions.Here’s what to know about—and how to say safe from—COVID, the flu, and RSV this holiday season.Will there be a COVID-19 surge this winter? What about flu and RSV...